Monday 13 May 2013

Lung Cancer Symptoms

Uncontrolled and abnormal cell growth in the tissues of lungs caused lung cancer and it eventually spreads into other parts of the body. Lung cancer is said to be highly dangerous and is the most common cause of deaths in United States and worldwide. This deadliest type of cancer is lethal to both men and women. There are countless risk factors for this cancer but cigarette smoking is the major one.

Lung cancer figures

Except smoking, passive exposure to tobacco, air pollution, Asbestos, water-containing arsenic in it and radon gas exposure is primary cause of lung cancer spread. The two main types of lung cancer are the small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) which grow and spread differently in the body. The general prognosis of lung cancer is not satisfactory, with overall survival rates of about 16% at five years. Treatment may involve a combination of procedures like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy as well as newer experimental methods.

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer

At the initial stage, lung cancers symptoms do not appear but as the cancer grows significant changes occur in the body. Starting signs may involve cold, flu, fever and cough then leads to some serious symptoms. Following could have been the major signs of lung cancer that need to be observed on time:

1. Constant Coughing
Coughing is usually treated as normal but in lung cancer, cough lasts for no reasons and become worse with time. Cough did not go away with any remedy and it usually occurs when cancer stops the passage of air into the lungs. 

2. Shortness of breath or wheezing
Difficulty in breathing or hoarseness can also be the part of lung cancers symptoms as it prevents you to do normal activities like exercising and work. Reason is the blockage of enough air into the lungs.

3. Coughing up blood
If coughing comes up few or more drops of blood, then it take to be very serious as it may due to the damage done by tumor into the lung tissues. This sign is quite alarming so you need physical checkup for that.

4. Fluctuations in body temperature
As the cancer grows in the body, it cause unusual rise in the body temperature.

5. Airway infections
Repeated chest infections like bronchitis and pneumonia can also be the signs of cancer development in the lungs. It occurs when a tumor in the lungs starts to block your airways by trapping lung fluids.

6. Pain in the chest
Angina or severe chest pain occurs due to the shrinkage of blood vessels and that can be the symptom of lung cancer.

7. Loss of appetite or weight loss
Tiredness and constant fatigue is linked with cancerous patients and it is followed by quick appetite loss thus resulting in reduction of body weight.

It is a common notion that “cancer can be best treated when diagnosed at the initial stage” so you need to consult with your physician when you observe above-mentioned signs. Only a specialist can diagnose it when you have symptoms so do not wait for severe consequences.

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